We have zero-tolerance of prejudice, inequality or discrimination

The same is true for the responsible, ethically focused companies who use our platform looking for your skills, motivation and potential.

In a modern, forwarding-thinking workplace there is zero-tolerance of prejudice, inequality or discrimination and at Setyourworth.com we believe anonymity is the first step to equal opportunity.

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Companies using our service are agreeing to your salary based on suitability alone, nothing else. Nothing else matters.

Only after an interested employer has accepted and your consent to discuss the role with them has been granted will they be able to learn more about you and organise an interview.

To them, you are defined by your potential.

Check out our FAQs for more information.

We’re proud that our business keeps these important topics at the forefront of peoples minds, helping to reduce inequality and discrimination.

To learn more click on one of the links below:



Enough woke already

Respect is all we need

Slogans are all around us. Some would say that the words ‘inequality’ and ‘racism’ have become overused words recently. Others, not enough.

However, with opinions, political persuasion, religion and, more prominently, the colour of skin aside, reputable companies searching for their next perfect hire here at Setyourworth.com, think as we do. We work as one, regardless.

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It is exciting working as we do, politically neutral, but with an altruistic vision of bettering peoples lives. Our sole aim to match reputable, forward-thinking companies, with their perfect hire. Rewarding workers with salaries they deserve, and helping companies find perfect employees prepared to go that extra mile, or to use a famous phrase, prepared to have some ‘skin in the game’ – regardless of its colour.

No longer in the shadows

Money can’t buy happiness

It’s easy to say when you have some! But when things are tight, financial strain and anxieties can be major contributors to mental health deterioration. Having some spare cash at the end of the month would certainly help.

Aligned to this is workplace stress which tops the charts when it comes to our mental well-being.

In fact, employment-related stress, combined with debt, is responsible for more than two-thirds of all reported cases of those struggling with a mental health crisis.

Setyourworth.com is committed to addressing these statistics.

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Our aim is to realign the gap between your pay and the cost of living. To give you more than just an existence.

We are proud to be helping address some of the root causes of those struggling with mental health, by working with employers to ensure employees are paid their true worth and rewarded fairly in line with continued company success.

A recruitment revolution. And a salary set by YOU. Sound interesting?

Equal Pay for Women

Same job, same pay.

Despite laws that predate today by five decades, and a constant media focus, the issue of the gender pay gap remains. Women in similar roles to that of their male counterparts are still being paid less.

At Setyourworth.com, we are true advocates of equal pay for everyone. We encourage business owners and companies to recognise and reward fairly, regardless of the employee's gender.

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Our anonymous approach to recruitment withholds your gender from any search results, meaning a prospective employer will be agreeing to your salary expectations based on your abilities and experience, not your sex.

Learn more in our FAQs.

Age ain’t nothing but a number

We call it ‘experience’

Ageism does it exist. Fact. While age brings wisdom and experience, recruiters and managers often unintentionally overlook a candidate of later years.

We aim to tip the glass the other way, taking the spotlight off a candidate’s age, focusing instead on all the great things that make them the perfect hire.

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Being ageist is not always a conscious intention. In fact, it is often the in-experience of the recruiter, manager or interviewer that discounts the person's age, either through the CV or resume filter or at the interview. At Setyourworth.com, age is yet another fact excluded from our search results. If you’re perfect in every other way, age becomes immaterial.

The Next Generation

The power of young minds

We believe that young people should be defined by their talent and skill. Period.

The minimum wage should not be automatically assigned to a young person’s salary just because of their age. At Setyourworth.com, we encourage businesses to provide young people with fair remuneration based on factors excluding age but include education, future aspirations, willingness to learn, commitment and drive. Just like any other candidate.

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Our system allows employers to search specifically for people looking for an apprenticeship. However, the candidate's exact age will remain anonymous until the enquiring company has agreed to the individual's salary expectation. Nowadays, anyone can take on an apprenticeship.

Read more about young people in our FAQs.


Perfect in every way

“I am disabled and perfect in every way for the role but I was overlooked.” Something disabled people live with, day in day out. Many disabled people do not recognise their apparent disability as ‘a disability’, but as a strength or opportunity. A trait we admire and support.

We focus on what people bring to the table and match companies to individuals regardless of any disability. Much like any other ‘ism’, when you’ve found the perfect hire, why would a disability be of any relevance?

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Our unique, patent-pending system acts as a platform to showcase everyone’s skills, traits, experience, wants and needs, and so much more besides. The fact that some of our members may be disabled is immaterial when they are perfect in every way.